"ENHANCE”Empowering Girls and Young Women Across Europe and the Mena Region
ERASMUS-YOUTH-2024-CB Project 101186010 — ENHANCE
Project name: Enhance girls and young women inclusion with the full support of the community
About the project
ENHANCE brings together a multi-agency, cross sector partnership of organisations from 3 EU (Cyprus, Italy, North Macedonia) and 3 NON-EU (Jordan, Morocco, Egypt) countries to increase their ability to tackle gender inequality and discrimination, by offering new up-to-date non formal education innovative methods and resources to ultimately foster a positive systemic change in their communities.
ENHANCE aims to tackle gender inequality and discrimination through:
-Building the capacity of NGOs and educators in EU and non-EUcountries
– Create supportive communities less prone to discriminationallowing the cross-fertilization of cultural norms, necessary toaddress barriers and stereotypes that lead to gender inequality andfoster a more organised support to ensure girls and young women’sinclusion.
Our approach
Restorative justice can offer a framework for addressing gender-based violence by focusing on the redistribution of power lost by victims. Over time, some victim support groups have expressed skepticism regarding restorative justice in cases of gender-based violence due to existing power imbalances in intimate violent relationships. Critics argue that restorative justice could privatise gender-based violence, potentially revictimising women and exacerbating power imbalances (Pali and Madsen, 2011). Additionally, some view restorative justice as an “easy way forward” for offenders (Wager, 2013, p. 16; Marsh and Wager, 2015).
The project has a focus on capacity building the partners from the non-EU countries drawing lessons and experiences from the EU based partners and the European Commission’s work on promoting gender equality.
By participating in this project, the partners will:
Enhance NON-EU organisations capacity to plan and implement localactivities to foster better local cooperation
Share updated, innovative non-formal education methods to facilitate girls and young women’s socio-economic empowerment Enlarge the number of NON-EU organisations, educators, target groups and communities using and benefitting from the project results
The project will also pilot its results among the consortium andtheir stakeholders and pursue a multiplier effect for the enhancement of youth work at a pan-European level.
Project activities and Outcomes
Transnational Project Meetings (Face-to-face contact between the partners is critical and thus we held 3 Transnational Project Meetings to take place in the participating in Cyprus, Italy, and Egypt)
-CAMPs – Training events (5 days face-to-face training events with themanagers and team leaders of the partners)
Replicated CAMPs in Non-EU countries – Training events
–CAMPs reports