
4th RJ4All Annual International Conference

in collaboration with the MSc in Forensic Psychology at UCLan Cyprus 

14th October 2024, 9:30 – 16:45

Bringing Restorative Justice to Cyprus: Preventing & Addressing The Divisive Language

Location: University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus) - Room AUD2 , University Ave 12-14, Pyla 7080

RJ4All Europe is proud to announce the launch of its 4th Annual International Conference in Cyprus to prevent and address divisive narratives through restorative justice. The event is supported by the Italian Ministry Regione Puglia and will be held in collaboration with the MSc in Forensic Psychology at University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus)The conference will also signify the launch of RJ4All Europe’s new partnerships with UCLan CyprusHands across the DivideTruth Now aiming to strengthen the impact of restorative justice in Cyprus and the EU. 

This year’s conference will spotlight the “Gentle Speech” project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at combating hate speech and divisive narratives through restorative justice.

“Misunderstanding arising from ignorance breeds fear, and fear remains the greatest enemy of peace.”

Recent studies have shown a concerning rise in divisive narratives across Cyprus and Europe, fuelled by misinformation, digital illiteracy, and online hate speech (Gavrielides, 2021). This trend has sparked urgent calls for innovative solutions to foster dialogue and understanding, particularly between Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. 


“In an era where hate speech and misinformation are on the rise, our conference represents a critical step towards fostering peace and understanding. By leveraging restorative justice principles, we aim to create spaces for dialogue and healing, particularly in communities affected by long-standing conflicts.”

In light of this issue, the 4th Annual International Conference will take place on October 14th, 2024, bringing together experts, policymakers, and community members and focusing on the discussions on these key points:

● Address pressing issues of misinformation, digital illiteracy, and online hate speech through restorative justice approaches, particularly within the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities.

● Build skills and knowledge that support peaceful dialogue and intercultural understanding.

● Foster intercultural dialogue and promote non-violent communication across the Mediterranean region.

● Empower participants to play a pivotal role in advancing restorative justice and peace.

Highlights include keynotes by Prof. Theo Gavrielides and Dr. Lilia Psalta, a panel discussion featuring leading experts on restorative justice, peace-making, truth and reconciliation, and interactive workshops on non-violent communication, digital media literacy, and restorative justice circles. The event will provide opportunities for networking, engagement, and a digital exhibition showcasing the conference’s impact and insights.

Register here


9:00 – 9:30:  Registrations, coffee & networking

9:30 – 9:45: Welcome – Head of the School of Sciences, Dr Nearchos Paspallis, UCLan 

9:45 – 10:15 Setting the scene – Prof. Theo Gavrielides, PhD (RJ4All Europe Founder & Director)

10:15 – 10:45 Minister TBC

10:45 – 11:00: Dr. Lilia Psalta (Lecturer UCLan Cyprus)

11 :00 – 11 :30: Coffee break

11 :30 – 12:45:
Panel discussion: Hate and divisive language: a restorative justice approach 
Theo Gavrielides, Lilia Psalta, Magda Zenon (Hands Across the Divide),
Natasa Iakovou (Truth Now), Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou (School of Law, UCLan Cyprus and ICLAIM Founding Director)

12:45 – 13:30: Lunch & networking

13:30- 16:30: Parallel workshops

13:30 – 14:30:

Workshop 1: non-violent communication & hate (in Greek) – Facilitator Sofia Sideridou (RJ4All Europe Manager)

 Workshop 2: non-violent communication & hate (in English) – Facilitator Carmen Costa (RJ4All Project Coordinator)

14:30 – 15:30:      

Workshop 3: digital media literacy, misinformation & hate (in Greek) – Facilitator Sofia Sideridou (RJ4All Europe Manager)

 Workshop 4: digital media literacy, misinformation & hate (in English) – Facilitator Carmen Costa (RJ4All Project Coordinator) 

15:30 – 16:30:     

Workshop 5: restorative justice circles & hate (in Greek) – Facilitator Sofia Sideridou (RJ4All Europe Manager)

Workshop 6: restorative justice circles & hate (in English) – Facilitator Carmen Costa (RJ4All Project Coordinator)

16:30 – 16:45:  Closing and digital exhibition – Theo Gavrielides

Continuous Professional Development certified event


Call: Art. 8 L.R. 12/2005 AVVISO PUBBLICO 2024 per la concessione di contributi a sostegno di “INIZIATIVE PER LA PACE E PER LO SVILUPPO DELLE RELAZIONI TRA I POPOLI DEL MEDITERRANEO”

Project code: B54H24001310009

Gentle Speech Project

In response to the growing issues of hate crime and divisive narratives, RJ4All Europe, under the coordination of the Italian NGO Sinergia Società Cooperativa Sociale and funded by Regione Puglia, has launched the “Gentle Speech” project. This initiative aims to advance restorative justice practices to combat hate speech and misinformation across the Mediterranean Basin.

Within this project, the 4th RJ4All Annual International Conference will offer a rich programme focused on addressing hate and divisive language through restorative justice.