The terms:

  • Radicalisation and violent radicalisation
  • Extremism and violent extremism
  • Religious fundamentalism, and
  • Terrorism

are frequently used interchangeably. However, they are very different.

The 2020 Counter-Terrorism Agenda for the EU focuses on preventing radicalisation, particularly online, enhancing the reintegration of prisoners, and empowering communities through education and the promotion of EU values.

As a prevention tool, restorative dialogue allows individuals, especially those susceptible to radical ideologies, to voice their grievances and fears within a structured and supportive environment. This process promotes understanding and empathy, reducing feelings of isolation and disenfranchisement that often fuel radicalisation. By fostering open communication, Restorative justice helps individuals find peaceful and constructive outlets for their frustrations, thereby preventing the escalation to violent extremism.

As a control mechanism, restorative justice addresses the underlying issues that contribute to radicalisation and extremism. By engaging individuals who have already exhibited radical tendencies, restorative justice processes facilitate the recognition of harm caused, promote accountability, and support the reintegration of these individuals into society.